Make A Smooth Transition to a Life You Desire 10X Faster

Take Your Business, Career, Relationships, Emotional Mastery to Next Level with..

"Excellence Installation 

Diagnostics & Implementation Online

To develop sustained & natural capabilties to achieve the impossibe

Has One Area of Your Life that you have been trying to succeed has started affecting the other areas of your life as well?

Hi Busy Adult! 

In all the hustles and the bustles, amidst mounting ambitions and wanting to create impact, all the while trying to squeeze in time for hobbies, fun banters & deeper connections, have Minor Inconveniences – emotionally or physically, become a constant in your life?

  • A minor headache - ignored & marching on! 
  • Improper Sleep - No biggies, just get some (extra strong) coffee! 
  • Fight with a loved one - Don’t have time for it right now! Let’s circle back later.
  • But circling back never happens. Instead, it’s a spiral; a vicious cycle that keeps playing on-loop. Making life feel like a drag. Depleting you off the energy, the vitality, the vigor to make it BiG! To feel your optimum best and go full-throttle in the direction of your heartfelt deepest desires. 

    Sounds familiar? Well, of course it does. Because sadly, that has become the reality of you and the tribe - the forever Busy Adults! And it only gets worse. In fact, on average, an adult ends up wasting 10,000 hours to get to their optimum best.




    But wait, it doesn’t just stop at helping you In the life area that you want to evolve the most! It does something far greater for your life, like we did for this young girl…

    From: Antano, 

    Co-Creator of trillion-dollars’ worth Excellence Installations industry

    “If you are struggling for time, you either don’t know how to prioritize or You’re On To doing Something B!G IN YOUR LIFE!”

    The reason that you are here today & reading is testament to the fact that you do want to make it big in your life. But as a consequence of forever hustling, there are certain invisible inconveniences that have seeped into your life. 

    • How fast can you sprint in life with an Achilles heel? 
    • How can you float, without a care in the world, if there’s a deep & heavy anchor constantly weighing you down?

    That was exactly how this young & ambitious girl felt when she met me and Harini. Just in her early 30s, this girl struggled with her sleep. In fact, at onset, she told us that she had not slept well, even once, in the past 9 months. Laden with guilt and remorse, she’d hoped that we would help her overcome her sleep issues.

    As it turns out, she had faced a massive personal catastrophe that robbed her of her sleep! And she was miserable because of it. Harini and I knew that the fastest & the safest way for her to have a deep, restful sleep is through Excellence Installations. That even though getting to restful & deep sleep felt like a Mountain-High, Next To Impossible Outcome to her, for Harini & I - and our team of A&H Experts, this was a Simple & Quick Fix.

    So, that’s what we did! 

    I requested two of our team members to help her instantly, then and there. And because this is not even our Main-Gig, I decided to extend this help free of cost! The 2 Core Installations that we did for her in those 45 minutes, helped her Sleep well every night ever since and she was sooooooo grateful and she couldn’t stop talking about how magical the experience was and how magical the results were. 

    The Installations were so stacked, layered & polycontextual, that in addition to having a hearty restful sleep, in days that followed, her vibe and charisma completely evolved. Her creative problem-solving & decision-making reached another league altogether! All of a sudden, she would walk in the boardroom like a breath of fresh air and would leave everyone in absolute awe. Her entire office (it’s a Unicorn Start-up, btw) got to know about her experience at the A&H Team Space and naturally, we were flooded with requests to help!

    But that was the real challenge! Harini & I have decided to help this young girl, as a one-off instance. Because, we are in the Business of Evolving People, to help Game Changers & Impact Creators Launch A Unique Legacy and Create B!G Impact!

    Harini & I rivet on our vision of making Excellence A Birthright for the 7 Billion People across the Globe. People come to us for B!G things, and we’ve just not had the time to take care of this ad hoc, one off things that people all around the world always seem to need help with.

    But seeing how the young girl blossomed, the power of stacked & layered Excellence Installations, and how much she would have still endured and struggled, had we not helped her right when we did! And that’s when I realized, people from all walks of life, whether they want to create B!G Impact or just want to accelerate without being constantly weighed down, their creativity and vitality constantly bottled up inside - never reaching its full potential, everyone needs Excellence Installations! 

    For a moment, imagine how the world would evolve, if every motor vehicle could be propelled with the Supremely Power Packed Science & Engineering of Rocket! When people have access to this path-breaking and truly disruptive technology of Installing Excellence in Human, 

    It can have a cascading effect of excellence on all aspects of their life:
    Business, Health, Family, and Legacy (Impact)
    All together. Simultaneously.

    As I embraced this Epiphany Moment, I realized we had to take uP! this responsibility of helping everyone experience Excellence in their life. 

    So, I sat down with our A&H Experts & Team members – and together, we innovated our Methods to Bring this to you at a Fraction of a Cost even though this isn’t our main gig. And so, I bring to you: 

    Excellence Installations: Done-For-You

    Overcome Any Limitation, be it Glaring or Invisible

    and Develop Superior Capabilities to Succeed in Record-Time

    No more should you or any of your loved ones have to languish in pain, endure or struggle with anything less than optimal. Save 10,000 hours in trying & Trying & TRYING to succeeding! Leverage a well-established, cutting-edge, scientifically-proven and futuristic technology to get the Most Pivotal Shift in your life, instantly! 


    to Evolve The Life Area That Matters To you The Most Now!

    • It’s quick! No long queues or waiting time. Quick & appointment-based! 
    • It’s easy! You don’t have to do any painfully boring daily rituals. It works naturally & automatically, even as you sleep! 
    • It’s completely One-On-One! Totally confidential, private, and personalized.
    • Priority Appointments! To get you started immediately.
    • Immediate & Innate change, stacked with Systemic Thinking & Predictive Intelligence! Experience new clarity, insights, and permanent Pivotal Shifts in your thoughts, mindset, action, and behaviors, right from the beginning!

    But you can imagine – there are ONLY a handful of Excellence Installation Specialists in the world, and every time we take up a request, we’re having to decline many more – because resources are very very very very limited. Thus, for the limited period, we are opening uP! Excellence Installation Done-For-You! 

    And as a Goodwill gesture – and only for a short period of time, I’m opening up Excellence Installations: Done-For-You for the first 50 driven individuals.

    Here's What you get with

    Excellence Installation Done-For-You


    Diagnostics With The Rarest of Rare Excellence Installation Specialist

    The Installation Skills & Predictive Intelligence of an Excellence Installation Specialist (EIS) are unrivaled to any other coach or consultant. In this Done-For-You, you get a completely uninterrupted & High-Performance session with a seasoned EIS, to identify the Most Pivotal shift that you need at this juncture of your life.


    Innate Capability Installations! with upto 4 Adjustments  

    An Installation is that rare moment when something shifts within you, so deep and innate, that your life will never be the same after that. Right after your Diagnostics the Excellence Installation Specialist will go ahead “install” the Pivotal Shift discovered for you!


    True-To-Your-Rarity Impact

    A&H Expert takes into account your unique life situations, culture, values, ethos and driving principles. Unique-To-You Capability Development results in spontaneous generation of New Choice, New Behaviors, New Mindset, and New Capabilities. The very process of the Diagnostics and Implementation has a long-lasting Excellence Installations impact on your life.

    "What happens to your life, when you experience Excellence Installations that propel you towards Raising the Bar of Excellence and Succeed on Autopilot?"

    The inconveniences that you face today may either be Glaring - Apparent & Obvious. Or It may be Invisible - tucked away in your sleeping habits, micro-patterns in relationships, and in over 100 different areas of your life. 

    These invisible speed-barriers & inconveniences stop you from reaching the Peak of Your Learning, Performance, and Mastery. What’s worse, these can remain unnoticed and unsolved for decades. 

    And this is the real challenge in you finding your way to Acceleration. A&H Excellence Installation Specialist will identify, with precision, this invisible barrier that you need to overcome and with Core Excellence Installations, help you achieve that Success in the fastest & safest way possible! 

    The session is completely One-On-One. Book Your Appointment and Experience Deep Permanent Changes that will compound to monumental success.

    The Most Cutting-Edge Technology To Install Superior Capabilities and Change Life Trajectories of Humans

    Harini & I created Excellence Installations Technology to help people Evolve from within with Real Compounding Transformations that are scientifically proven, permanent and sustained over time!

    But never in our lives would we imagine that Excellence Installations will become this revolution, with Game-Changers from every domain becoming its Early Adopters! 


    Scientifically-Validated Breakthroughs Delivered 


    Families and over 1 Lac Relationships Evolved


    Money Generated for

    A&H Community

    Whether the inconveniences you face currently are Glaring or Invisible,
    Excellence Installations Done-For-You will get you to the life outcomes that you desire, 10X Faster! without burning out or compromising.

    Who Needs Excellence Installation Done-For-You

    • Aspiring Entrepreneurs
    • Business Owners
    • Coaches/Consultants
    • Intrapreneurs
    • Medical Doctors
    • Parents
    • Home-Makers
    • Corporate Professionals
    • Artists & Creative Mavericks
    • Aspiring Game-Changers

    Our Unbeatable Guarantee

    Excellence Installation Done-For-You

    We are so confident in the power of Excellence Installations that we offer you a 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If you don't experience a significant, tangible shift in your behavior, mindset, or life outcomes, we will work with you One-on-One until you do. If, for any reason, you’re not fully satisfied, we will refund your investment entirely. No risk, only transformation!

    This is your moment to make a real change—take action now!

    'Excellence Installation Done-For-You'

    Pivotal Capabilities to Succeed in Record-Time


    to Identify The Unique-to-You Set of Adjustments and Capabilities that will have a Cascading Effect of Excellence in your Life

    Make A Smooth Transition to a Life You Desire 10X Faster

    There are only a FEW SLOTS LEFT in October to avail
    Excellence Installation Done-For-You

    What Are Others Already Saying About The Excellence Installation Done-For-You

    I hesitated to ask for Business. I had strained personal relationships. 20 years back I met with an accident and I had a block in my mind about working out post that. I couldn't walk, sit stand for long. I had gained a lot of weight. But now suddenly in the last 6 months all of these hurdles have gone away. Overthinking has gone, my personal relationships are good, I am able to ask for business without any inhibition and have been doing well amidst the pandemic.

    I have lost 12 kilos in the last 6 months. My knee pain has vanished. I am very clear about what I want to do with life. A&H have helped me change the trajectory of my life and live a blissful life. Love you A&H.

    -Shalini Shhrivastava, 

    Leadership Coach and Business Transformation Consultant

    For the first time in years, I felt all the anger & frustrations dissipate. I’m no longer biting my nail, mulling over what I should have said! This emotional freedom is a huge enabler to achieving anything in life

    Bollywood Actor

    "The result: 
    My sales last month reached up to 1,000,000 yen. Earlier, my average sales was only 500,000 yen in 6 months. I did not expected it as I had some negative beliefs before I met you, it used to feel like a big heavy stone"



    As You Can See...

    Excellence Installation Done-For-You has Already Changed the Life-Trajectory of Countless People Around The World...

    The Question Is, Are YOU Next?


    to Evolve The Life Area That Matters To you The Most Now!

    This is a ONE-on-ONE program with an Excellence Installation Specialist,

    There are only FEW SLOTS LEFT for October

    Click Yes NOW to get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the BONUS, 

    PRIORITY Reservation for October 2024

    This single decision has gotten people out of Years & Years of Inconveniences and Accelerate in all aspects for their life

    Get These FREE Bonuses!

    When you Buy Excellence Installation Done-For-You

    Bonus #1 - A&H Sleep Deep - Video

    World's Most powerful technique to get Deep, Meditative & Completely Rejuvenating Sleep on-demand!

    Total Value: Rs 15,500/-

    Go ahead & enjoy a restful night’s sleep! In fact, make it better and better still! How about every night, you not only sleep but completely rejuvenate and wake up refreshed, with a newfound and replenished drive & vitality for your dreams, deepest desires, and life outcomes! 

    As part of Excellence Installation Done-For-You Diagnostics & Implementation, you also get FREE access to the World's Most powerful technique to get Deep, Meditative & Completely Rejuvenating Sleep on-demand!

    Get This For FREE with

    "Excellence Installation Done-For-You" NOW! 

    Bonus #2 - Sowing the Seeds of Abundance - Audio

    Multiply the impact of Installations

    Total Value: Rs 18,500/-

    Handcrafted with care for your Unconscious Mind! Antano & Harini takes you on a never-before deep meditative & immersive experience to MULTIPLY the Impact. Your Impact. The wonders that you have already accomplished. And then, the Impact of Stacked Installations & Deep Unconscious work that you experience at the Excellence Installation Done-For-You!

    Get This For FREE with

    "Excellence Installation Done-For-You" Now! 

    Bonus #3 - Excellence Multiplier - Audio

    Deep Trance by Antano & Harini for Accelerating Excellence!

    Total Value: Rs 30,000/-

    How wonderful will it be, when the excellence that you experience in one aspect of your life, transcends and spreads across each & every aspect of your life. While Excellence Installations already have a generative impact on everyone, here’s an extra special audio for you to multiply the impact of excellence installations that you experience and accelerate it spreading to each and every significant aspect of your life.

    Get This For FREE with
    "Excellence Installation Done-For-You" NOW! 

    Bonus #4 - A&H Positional Advantage - eBook

    Be Ready for EVERY opportunity

    Total Value: Rs 1,495/-

    Create unique assets that will set you uP! far higher than Your Competitors.

    This is your Holy Grail to be prepared, ahead of time, for the unknown unknown!

    Get This For FREE with "Excellence Installation Done-For-You" NOW! 

    Bonus #5 - Installation,Insights & Information - ebook

    Deep Dive into Your Own Mind

    Total Value: Rs 1,495 /-

    Master the nuances of what gets people - including yourself and your loved ones. Authored by Antano himself, this book unearths the secrets to Evolving People and correcting disempowering & un-useful behaviours! 

    Get This For FREE with

    "Excellence Installation Done-For-You" NOW!

    With 50,000+ unique & scientifically-validated breakthroughs, ‘Antano & Harini’ is the World’s Largest One-on-One Mentoring Platform. They have worked with legends including Academy & Grammy Award winners, Padma Bhushan awardees, international-level athletes, Billion Dollar Business Owners, Investors, Actors, Doctors, Lawyers, Entrepreneurs, Top Executives from the Fortune 500 and more. For their work in changing the Trajectory of Humans with their proprietary technology for human excellence, Antano & Harini received the “Award of Honour” from the Government of India, Ministry of Social Empowerment & Justice. 

    There Is NO CATCH!

    There are absolutely no gimmicks... involved in this! It is not a small snippet of a bigger program that we’ll try to hard-sell later! The Excellence Installation Done-For-You is complete on its own and stands tall at its own merit. 

    And this is our Absolutely Crazy Guarantee! Our specialists will work with you one-on-one until you can validate for yourself a Pivotal Shift in terms of your thinking, emotions, mindset, or life outcomes that you have created! 

     At Antano & Harini,  We believe that Evolving Excellence has to be a Birthright for everyone! And no matter where you are in life, there is always the next level of Excellence..

    Time Is Of The Essence...

    Here's why...

    • We only have LIMITED ONE-on-ONE slots with our specialists. The One-on-One. If you register NOW, you will get your One-on-One Next Month. 
    • The price changes 4 fold, and then 10 fold, and the BONUS disappear as soon as the timer hits zero.

    Here is my

    PERSONAL Guarantee

    I 100% guarantee that you will love the ONE-on-ONE experience, or I'll return your FULL INVESTMENT and let you keep the TRANSFORMATION anyway. 

    That's right. You can even keep all the bonus. Just email [email protected] or call our Toll Free 1800 3000 2909 on your receipt and I'll give you back your money.

    One-On-One Excellence Installations

    to Evolve The Life Area That Matters To you The Most Now! 

    This is a ONE-On-ONE program with an Excellence Installation Specialist to Identify & Implement the Single Most Pivotal Shift that you need at this juncture of your life. 


    It is completely Appointment-Based and a first-come-first serve basis. 


    Click Yes NOW to get IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the BONUS. 


    This single decision has gotten people to accelerate the pace of their growth and evolution and reach to the optimum levels of their Physical, Mental or Emotional Wellness without wasting 10,000 hours or insurmountable efforts in trial & error!

    Let Me Show You EVERYTHING you get with 'Excellence Installation Done-For-You' NOW!

    • Diagnostics to Identify Key Capability Development (One-on-One)

    (Rs 1,00,000 Value)

    • Real Time Strategy Implementation (One-on-One)

    (Rs 50,000 Value)

    • Real Time Strategy Implementation 2 (One-on-One)

    (Rs 50,000 Value)

    • Bonus 1: A&H Sleep Deep video

    (Rs 15,500 Value)

    • Bonus 2: Sowing the Seeds of Abundance - Audio

    (Rs 18,500 Value)

    • Bonus 3: Excellence Multiplier - Audio

    (Rs 30,000 Value)

    • Bonus 4: A&H Positional Advantage - eBook

    (Rs 1,495 Value)

    • Bonus 5: Installation,Insights & Information - ebook

    (Rs 1,495 Value)

    Total Value:

    Rs 2,66,990 +GST

    You GET ALL this for

    INR 1,00,000 + GST

    This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim your PRIORITY SLOT Before They're All Taken...

    Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy Excellence Installation Done-For-You

    Antano Solar John

    P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

    Here’s the Deal…

    Excellence Installation Done-For-You GUARANTEES that you Accelerate your Success in One Pivotal Life Area and Shift in terms of your mindset and innate capabilities that you need at this juncture in your life. As a direct result of this Pivotal Shift, you will see a casacading effect spilling across to multiple areas of your life!

    It’s completely One-On-One and an A&H Specialist will work personally with you to help you achieve the outcomes. Any inconvenience – be it in terms of your Emotions, Energy Levels, Thoughts or Behaviors, that keeps depleting your Zeal & Vigor in life – Our Excellence Installation Specialist will Identify it & Implement the changes One-On-One for you!

    It’s quick, easy, and the changes sustain for life! 

    We have only opened up Excellence Installation Done-For-You for the first 50 participants. It’s completely Appointment-based, on a first-come-first-serve basis. Your Appointment is subject to the current slots remaining. So, don’t wait & Reserve Your Appoint right now! 

    As part of signing up, you will immediately receive 4 Life-Changing BONUSES to help you get started on this beautiful lifestyle of Excellence, in a jiffy! 

    Through our proven & scientifically-backed methods called Excellence Installations, Antano & Harini have helped several people get over 1,00,000 personal breakthroughs. Antano & Harini have created this trillion-dollars’ Excellence Installations industry to change the trajectory of humans. Their disruptive technology gives people like you, access to power-packed ways to time-compress personal evolution and Fast-Track Your Unique Legacy. 

    To avail any of the wide gamut of personal evolution solutions at Antano & Harini, people otherwise pay anywhere between USD 6,000 to USD 58,000. But as a Goodwill Gesture and to realize our vision of making Excellence a birthright for the 7 billion people across the globe, you are getting Excellence Installation Done-For-You at a whopping 50% off!

    Boost Your Performance

     at 10X SPEED with

    Excellence Installations

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