Conversational Programming Bliss!

Master the Art of Conversational Programming and also Get 8.25 Lakhs worth Bonuses including uP!+CPM Continuity for One Year for FREE!

And balance in the Liquidity Saver plan by just extending your current no-cost EMIs by a few more months for the same monthly amount as you paid for uP! (nothing extra!!!)

Dear Friend,

From Manager to Executive Director (Partner level) in the Big 4, in 5 Years not 15-20.

From cold and hurtful to Warm and Nurturing parent-child relationship in 3 months, not 30 years.

A Vehement ‘No’, ‘Never’ to a Joyful, Completely wilful and resounding ‘YES’ within 15 minutes on the Deal table worth a few thousand crores.

What’s the Secret Ingredient? Superior Capabilities - with the Crown of them all - Conversational Programming Mastery!

Here is an unprecedented opportunity for you to Master the Art of Conversational Programming, Evolve your Ecosystem, Emerge as one of the Most Magical Leaders and turn your most important Relationships into Fruitful and Blissful relationships all the way forward - your own family kith and kin, your professional relationships - an Opportunity to even turn the most Difficult ones into GREAT Win-Wins, all the way from the heart, both-sides!

Conversational Programming Mastery (CPM) is a 1 year journey with Antano & Harini where you Learn the most advanced form of Influence & Communication that will help you lead teams, mentor people and resolve conflicts in the fastest and the most effective ways you have ever seen.

CPM is the ONLY Program in the world that helps you get the skills to identify, understand and shift decades of UnConscious mindsets of people you care about - in minutes, over coffee. And you develop Layered Relationships with People, you become the most formidable force where people come to you by themselves, because you have that invincible charm, the capability to just ‘get it’. You’re that person that is able to just so easily sort things, get things done, get your point through, inspire people, and really take the Vibe of your whole ecosystem to the next level.

And I’m going to show you how you can get this for you, for a Fraction of the price of what it’s worth to you.

What Happens When I Get Conversational Programming Mastery in this Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity of this Special Limited Period Offer?

What’s Included?

Unlimited Access to CPM Events

You get Unlimited Access to CPM Events along with uP! For the FULL period of your Active subscription. You already have access to uP! Events. Now, you can officially Access CPM events which happen alongside uP!. So you have Entry

Double Layer Evolution in Parallel

uP! Participants get Superior Capabilities. Installed. All of the Installations that happen at uP! But the Experience of a CPM Participant at uP! Is 10x. The New and Advanced CPM Skills that you are developing in parallel, enhance the Impact of uP! For you by at least 10x.

Specialized Masterclasses, Mentoring & Activities during uP!

You have Exclusive Access to Masterclasses, Mentoring & Activities specialized for you as a CPM Participant during uP!

Time Saver

In the Same time (plus just 2 days, both Sundays, one before uP! And one after uP!) you invest in uP!, you now get 10x More Impact because you have the Power Layer of Conversational Programming that your Neurology is absorbing and this changes the Whole uP! Game for you. When you come this time to uP! As a CPM Participant, you’ll feel the difference so much - you’ll get this faster than everybody, you experience Specialized Installations that Antano & Harini do for you from Stage that is relevant and targeted specifically for CPM Participants and after the program, you’ll see how you relationships, communication, response and respect from people enhances multifold because of these new layers of CPM that you are developing that continues to grow on auto-pilot for you

Instant Access to A&H Academy CRM - Exclusive CPM Courses worth Rs. 2,00,000

You have a Curated set of extremely rare and coveted CPM content, in an easy-to-learn guided format that you get Instant Access to, right after you complete your downpayment for CPM in this Special offer. So literally within minutes, you can Unlock the most powerful content out there - that can already enhance your communication, leadership and ability to Notice unconscious patterns that nobody else does, and actually be able to shift some, even before you come to the event 

Exclusive 1-Year Access to Advanced Persuasion CPM Module worth Rs. 1,00,000

This is an Extremely exclusive module Delivered LIVE by Antano Solar John and has some of the most powerful content. The participants who attended this program got such powerful skills innate, right during those 6 days. And This module has never been repeated again. Infact- no two CPM events are ever the same! And this is one of the Most Special events ever. Very different and Advanced Persuasion Conversational Programming Mastery which is sold for 1 Lakh, and you get to access this course right in your CRM for FREE. This course is otherwise premium content, which regular CPM participants don’t get offer to. But in this Exclusive and Special Limited period offer, you get to Unlock this also worth 1 lakh for FREE!

Final Chance to Get Access to LIVE MasterClasses delivered by Antano & Harini directly at CPM during uP!

You get to be part of the last batch of CPM participants who will have Antano & Harini directly involved in your Conversational Programming Mastery journey. Our Senior Excellence Installations Specialists have already started delivering CPM with amazing results and will be taking over completely from the next batch onwards. But you still get Access to LIVE MasterClasses delivered exclusively for you during uP!, so you are going to get layers of mentoring by the EIS and then you’re ready for MasterClasses, Live Demos and mentoring LIVE with Antano & Harini themselves. It’s your personalized experience - it’s so thrilling to witness, be part of it, and enjoy your journey of developing the fascinating skills of Conversational Programming which also happens to the the foundation to Installation skills. Don’t be too surprised if Antano & Harini also start you on Installation skills itself! (Shhh… it’s a secret. Don’t tell anyone!)

One Full Extra Year of uP! + CPM Continuity worth Rs. 2,50,000

Your get to Unlock CPM modules this very moment, after you complete your down payment. You get to Attend CPM right now, in the upcoming February 2024 event, LIVE for 8 days. And after your uP! Validity expires, you get One more FULL Year of uP! Continuity along with Access to CPM Continuity added to your package. So that makes it a total of 3 years, not 2 for you! Wow! One Full Additional year. uP!+CPM Continuity at offer prices is sold at Rs. 2,50,000. But you get the Full year Complimentary. Literally fully for free. Unlimited Access to uP! And CPM Events, for an entire additional year after your uP! Validity ends. I told you, it’s a Steal Deal!!

Easiest-Finance option

This is going to blow your mind! In this Special CPM Offer (valid till 12th September 2023), you get Instant Access and officially Start your CPM journey right after you Complete your Down payment of Rs. 50,000 (Rs. 10,000 token advance payable before 12th September 2023 to secure this offer for you, and balance downpayment of Rs. 40,000 payable before 22nd September 2023). And The remaining can be extended in your EMIs. Your regular EMIs that you have for uP! - you can extend a few more months to complete your CPM payment in this incredible once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Think about this: You are paying for CPM after your uP! EMI is over, without affecting your Liquidity in any way, by simply just extending your EMIs after your uP! EMI is completed. And you get to Start your CPM journey right away as you complete your Token Advance + Downpayment now!!!

ALLLL this for a crazy awesome 80% OFF including Bonuses worth Rs. 8,25,000!!!!

Conversational Programming Bliss!

  • Conversational Programming Mastery: 4,75,000 + Taxes
  • uP! + CPM Continuity (1 year): 2.50,000 
  • A&H Academy CPM Access: 2,00,000
  • Advanced Persuasion Model access: 1,00,000 + Taxes

Total Rs. 10,25,000  

  • Rs. 2,00,000 + Taxes

And then Complete downpayment of Rs. 40,000 before 22nd September 2023 and balance in the Liquidity Saver plan by just extending your current no-cost EMIs by a few more months for the same monthly amount as you paid for uP! (nothing extra!!!)

The last date to avail this special opportunity is 12th September 2023 so Register now with just Rs. 10,000 token advance,

Register Now, Save B!G, Gain More

It starts before it starts!

Just as you Secure your seat in this Once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity, with a Token Advance of Rs. 10,000 before 12th September 2023 and complete your down payment of remaining Rs. 40,000 before 22nd September 2023, you get Instantly Started with your CPM Journey by unlocking all your Free Bonuses, including exclusive Curated CPM Modules that you can access and get started with right away!

Your balance payments are payable in the Special Liquidity Saver plan, where you can complete these payments after your Current A&H EMIs (if any) are completed, you can just extend the same EMIs, no extra amount needed, for a few more months, and easily complete your CPM payments without Any extra stretch on your Liquidity! Wow!

And You still Get the EXTRA One Year of uP!+CPM Continuity worth 2.5 Lakhs for Free.

  • In the 8-days CPM event, you develop capabilities to Change people's years-old behaviors, attitudes and convictions with precise and targeted Unconscious Frame Shifts - the art that allows you to change others' limiting behaviors by shifting invisible beliefs or 'Presuppositions'... and do that Conversationally, in a matter of minutes!
  • The Undeniable impact you will have post your first CPM event, is Deeper and more Fulfilling Relationships with people, a Special kind of Relationship called ‘Layered Relationships’ - Imagine Imagine someone you love, like your spouse or parent or sibling or a friend, having several parallel relationships with you. If your brother is a brother, friend, guide, consultant, teacher and your student all without hampering the essence of the relationship. This makes you live a life full of incredibly richer and more meaningful experiences and relationships. It’s blissful and fulfilling! It’s been a Game-changer for so many CPM Participants that have unlocked 10x faster Acceleration in their Success - Professionally and Personally and done things that have never been done before, including fastest promotions ever, with ease, respect and command that comes ever so naturally now than ever before.
  • When you come for the Advanced CPM event, you develop absolute precision to arrive at THE mindset which is creating the limitation/challenge for your dear family member, friend or team member that is not yet in his/her conscious awareness. (Most times, what they think will get them what they want, or what they think the challenge is, may not be the real challenge)
  • And then, you Learn how to arrive at and ask the ONE question - intuitively and spontaneously (not like a textbook format of preset questions) - that will produce such an instant unconscious shift that it changes the performance, behavior and attitude of the person who matters to you, forever. And you’re bringing about these UnConscious changes sometimes and the person may not even be aware of it. But your work is like high-precision surgery, conversationally! It’s the Beginning of Installations artistry, as you become finer and finer in your Conversational Programming.
  • And guess what? This one shift opens up his/her world to new behaviors, enhanced capabilities and rich experiences that he/she creates, naturally and spontaneously! 
  • Hence, Conversational Programming is a prerequisite to learn the art of ‘Installations’ though Metaphoric Storytelling. And it encapsulates the fundamentals of EIT Education for Become Installations Genius (BiG) participants.

A once in a LIFETIME opportunity that you can grab only until 12th September 2023.

3 Things you must know about this important investment:

1. This is priceless because your accelerated growth matters, and your relationships matter…

Arpita (name changed) could stop her husband from getting into a perilous investment decision because she discerned the unethical intentions of the business partner after a few minutes of meeting him. This intuition she developed during CPM saved her husband years of pain and several crores that would have been otherwise been lost. 

Ayoung girl saved her grand-mother from a life threatening health challenge with timely intervention purely based on instinct as she paid attention to certain language patterns that hinted she wasn’t headed on the right trajectory, but thankfully this girl caught it and turned it around for her grandmother. A mother got her daughter back from depression and drugs, just before it got too late. A son was able to free his mother of her pain and live more healthily. Several hundreds have been able to do many impossible feats and before it’s too late, bring about a trajectory shift within their families. And further, for their friends and team members too. It’s been the single biggest ticket to change perceptions of people around you, no matter how they’ve seen you before.

2. Saves you precious life years

There is no need to invest precious years of your life trying to learn psychology or other ways to help your people because telling people, counselling them, reasoning with them and asking them to do what they should be doing, doesn't help most times. Even if it does, it is sooooo temporary. You may even have tried all that. Because all of this works at a conscious, logical level – and produces no definitive, reliable shift from the inside.

Instead, invest 6 months to learn Conversational Programming and evolve an ecosystem of excellence where people around you are blossoming blissfully each day. With these skills, you are able to understand people beyond what they say or do, and so accurately, sometimes you understand them even better than themselves. You naturally emerge as a go-to leader that they so willingly come to, and what you say is taken seriously because of the kind of impact you are now able to produce

3.CPM costs 4.75,000 + GST, the total of Rs. 5,60,600 payable in full before getting access to CPM and Advanced CPM events.

One-time Special CPM Offer (available to you until the midnight of 12th Sept 2023)

  1. 1
    You get the entire CPM journey for 2 lakhs + GST, instead of 4.75 lakhs + GST.
  2. 2
    You get a FREE extension of your uP!+CPM Journey by 1 year after your uP! Subscription has ended (which otherwise costs Rs. 2.5 lakhs)
  3. 3
    You get to be part of the last batch of CPM participants who will have Antano & Harini directly involved in your Conversational Programming Mastery journey. (Our Senior Excellence Installations Specialists have already started delivering CPM with amazing results and will be taking over completely from the next batch onwards). 
  4. 4
    You can get started with your CPM journey right now with a down payment of just Rs. 50,000, instead of paying the entire amount upfront otherwise.
  5. 5
    If you are an uP! Participant paying a monthly installment, you can just continue with your existing EMI and we will extend the overall duration of your payment plan. If your uP! Payments are completed already, then pay the remaining amount in comfortable EMIs of Rs. 20,000 per month.
  6. 6
    You get the online ‘Advanced Persuasion CPM Module’ for FREE which otherwise costs Rs. 1 lakh. With this, we get you started on your Conversational Programming Mastery journey right away instead of waiting 4 months for the next CPM Live event.
  7. 7
    With all this, you also get Rs. 8.25 lakhs worth of programs and benefits (including CPM, uP!+CPM Continuity extension & bonuses) for just 2 lakhs.

Rs. 10,25,000 Rs. 2,00,000 + Taxes

What Do I Do Next To Grab this Once-in-Life-Time Opportunity?

  1. 1
    Complete token investment of Rs. 10,000 now:
    Please Note: Last date to avail offer for offer: 12th September 2023
  2. 2
    Complete Down payment of remaining 40,000 on or before 22nd September 2023. Get instant access to CPM Modules including the exclusive ‘Advanced Persuasion Module’ immediately after completing down payment and get started with your CPM journey right away. We will see you as part of the next CPM batch dated 11th to 18th Feb 2024. You pursue CPM alongside uP!. Same time invested, but Double the layers of Evolution! Yaayy!!

Why Must I Register Right Now?

  1. 1
    With Conversational Programming Mastery, you emerge as one of the finest Leaders, with exceptional Communication and Influence.
  2. 2
    People’s response to you, respect and how inspired they are by you goes up a thousand levels because simply can’t understand how you’re so spot on and seamless and elegant
  3. 3
    Your contribution in teams and family is unmissable, acknowledged and valued
  4. 4
    You help your family, friends and team save years of their lives, influencing and evolving them like never before and the best part is now, they listen to you
  5. 5
    You become an irreplaceable leader: the person that can grow teams with collaborative brilliance, close amazing deals and solve the most complex problems with ease and speed
  6. 6
    Learn CPM from Antano & Harini themselves while you still can. It’s like getting to learn Science from Einstein. Or getting to learn music from Bob Dylan or Pt. Ravishankar themselves. It’s special
  7. 7
    This Offer is a Limited Period offer where you get additional 8.25 Lakhs worth bonuses, precious everything that comes to you now for just Rs. 2 Lakhs and that too with a dream-come-true Finance payment option. Such a simple Token advance, downpayment and balance in the Liquidity Saver plan where you simply just extend your EMIs. No extra cost!
  8. 8
    Get started Now, not after 6 months, by getting Instant Access to top-of-the-rung CPM modules you will love to learn from home already!
  9. 9
    This Offer Once gone, is Not coming back ever again. And even if you want to Take uP! CPM at a later time, it costs 4.75 Lakhs + Taxes

Conversational Programming Bliss!

  • Conversational Programming Mastery: 4,75,000 + Taxes
  • uP! + CPM Continuity (1 year): 2.50,000 
  • A&H Academy CPM Access: 2,00,000
  • Advanced Persuasion Model access: 1,00,000 + Taxes

Total Rs. 10,25,000

  • Rs. 2,00,000 + Taxes

And then Complete downpayment of Rs. 40,000 before 22nd September 2023 and balance in the Liquidity Saver plan by just extending your current no-cost EMIs by a few more months for the same monthly amount as you paid for uP! (nothing extra!!!)

The last date to avail this special opportunity is 12th September 2023 so Register now with just Rs. 10,000 token advance,

Register Now, Save B!G, Gain More


If I miss this offer now, how much will Conversational Programming Mastery cost me?

This is a One Time Special Opportunity, a Very special offer. After the midnight of 12th September 2023, theCPM would cost you 4,75,000/- Lakhs + Taxes*.

Is there a payment plan for the 2 Lakh Offer?

Most people prefer to pay in full, but in the circumstance you might require an EMI plan, then yes!
You can register now for Conversational Programming Bliss with a token amount of Rs.10,000/- and complete the downpayment of the remaining Rs. 40,000/- on or before 22nd September 2023.
The remaining amount can be paid as extension of your EMI after any current active EMI is completed and you can extend the EMI for the same amount, for just the number of months as required to complete the balance payment of Rs. 1,50,000 + Taxes 

Will I receive One-On-One Consultations As A Part of Conversational Programming Mastery?

Conversational Programming Mastery offer does not include One-On-One Consultations.
Most CPM participants also benefit from adhoc consultations with EIS and sometimes with Antano & Harini during the CPM events and even if you wish to avail a One-On-One Consultation with an EIS or Antano & Harini, by registering now for CPM, you will be entitled to a get first right on the best on-going offers for packages on Additional Consultations, the best offers at any given point in time for the entire validity of your subscription, including the extended 1 year of uP! + CPM Continuity that you get for FREE with this offer.

What if I am not able to attend all the events?

ONE CPM event in the future can be worth 100 times more than it is worth to you now. The quality of Capabilities you build and it’s worth to you in your family, relationships, growth and how it grows with you forever makes it a 100 times more worth than the fraction of the price you are paying.
You also have access to all the Online CPM Modules that are so well curated and designed, that even if you aren’t able to make it to events, you learn so much from the modules, including the Exclusive Persuasion module that is coming to you as a Bonus for Free.
Even if you just attend one CPM event in the next few years including your 1 Year extended uP!+CPM Continuity, the targeted capabilities you develop are designed to enhance your quality of living across all aspects, saving years and crores and enhancing life impact in record time!

Copyright 2022 | | All rights reserved.
