NLP Masterclass – Antano & Harini


Want the Secrets that can make you an NLP Genius?

Sign up for NLP Masterclass to Access the groundbreaking tools to Program your Neurology 

from the World's Finest NLP Experts Antano & Harini

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Buy my NLP Masterclass Now…

I’d like to give you the secrets of the top NLP geniuses in this program, ASAP.

So, How do you Master the Art of

Making Personal Transformations

in Minutes, instead of Years?

From: Antano Solar John
Chennai, India

Let me know if this happened to you…

As a driven individual who is committed to grow fast, you hear about NLP. Maybe you even read that it is the most powerful tool to make personal transformations, in yourself and others. Maybe even read about how it has been instrumental in Influential geniuses like Oprah Winfrey, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Tony Robbins. And thought…

“If I learn NLP, I will become a master of change and influence”


So we decide to sign up for NLP program…

We read books on NLP…

Research about it online…

Maybe even get an NLP Certificate…

Hoping that IF we just learn this tool, you will be invincible, your career growth will explode and your relationships will blossom.

And then we WAIT, for our lives to change…

But unfortunately, that doesn’t happen… 

Has that happened to you? Is that why you’re here?

Have you tried learning NLP, tried your best to learn it but you don’t know how to change your life?

Or does your story sound a little bit different?

Maybe you did NLP programs to resolve a particular problem or limitation…

But the problem still seems to persist endlessly…

Or maybe you learned a lot of techniques but just didn't know how to apply them...

Have you ever thought…

“If I am unable to change my life after all this NLP Education…

Does NLP even work?”

My name is Antano Solar John. And here are some of the results I have produced after working with thousands of individuals and businesses across the world:

1. Helping a business owner of security firm double the business revenue from 20 Million USD to 40 Million USD within 6 months, after a plateau of 5 years.

2. Helping A.R. Rahman launch the Sunshine Orchestra in 6 months and helping them become performance-ready when nothing could get them to become performance-ready for years together.

3. Helping a school achieve 100% pass percentage for the first time in 75 years of the school’s existence by working with 100 students one-on-one.

4. Helping a girl with cerebral palsy recover her strength and ability to move, in addition to getting mental clarity, getting over hallucinations and overcoming self-talk.

5. Helping an artist who pledges his family jewels to get our services, start a successful business that gets him out of debt and gives him time for his art.

6. Helping hundreds of working professionals get two promotions in one year, along with their wallets swelling up by at least twice in the same time.

Ten years and thousands of people later…

I can list thousands of instances (literally) where we have produced incredible breakthroughs and unparallelled results in business, life, health and emotional wellness.

And in each of the cases, one of the most significant common denominators that allowed us to make that breakthrough is our skills in Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP). I am endorsed to be the finest in the world at Neuro-linguisitic Programming by the Co-Creator of NLP, Dr John Grinder himself.

And today, Harini & I have:

  • Helped couples who couldn't conceive for years together, despite several IVFs and miscarriages, to conceive naturally within 6 months.

  • Got thousands to Accelerate their success and Launch their legacies in 3 years, not 20.

  • Cured 3000 phobias, all gone within 45 minutes each.

  • Got thousands of people to overcome rare forms of paralysis, overcome autoimmune challenges, cure thousands of allergies and migraines (most of which, were medically impossible).

... And that's just a handful of unprecedented, mindblowing breakthroughs we have created. 

And to create these breakthroughs, Harini & I innovated unique models and procedures and our NLP skills played a pivotal role in that process. 

“What would happen to your life, family and business if you became the Influential NLP Genius you dream of?”

As we produced these unheard-of results, We started to put together some of the best NLP procedures and tools into a Program called ‘NLP Masterclass’, for all the people who wanted to learn NLP.

The NLP Masterclass: The Rare NLP Program

To learn the Cutting-Edge Secrets to Personal Change...

I designed this NLP program because I was pained by NLP becoming a fish market. But what was horrible was thousands of NLP clowns who didn’t know NLP, giving online certifications.

In the quest to take NLP to millions, Harini & I started NLP Practioner program. And at the very outset, even though we were charging 3 times the price compared to the best NLP courses, we had 5 times the number of participants.

And soon, the top celebrities, businesspeople, professionals and artists started approaching me to solve their impossible situations.

And although Harini & I were wildly successful in doing that too, even in my wildest dreams, I didn’t imagine that within just a few years, we had helped thousands of people overcome impossible limitations, grow their businesses. Helped couples who couldn’t conceive in years despite of miscarriages & IVFs and got them to conceive naturally within 3-6 months. Got 5000+ case studies of getting people to overcome medical limitations including rare forms of paralysis, autoimmune challenges, allergies, migraines and so on…. Stuff that was way above and beyond the scope of NLP.

Then despite achieving these impossible results with NLP, we stopped teaching NLP!

Let us say you own a guitar. The finest guitar in the world. And the most awesome-looking. With the finest quality of strings. Made of the finest wood. The best quality ever.

But imagine giving this guitar to an amateur… a person with no real skill and no depth in music. No matter how good the guitar, all you would hear is NOISE!

Now imagine your doctor having the best tools and surgical equipment to do your surgery, but not having the precise understanding of the diagnosis of your unique problem. Won’t that be a disaster?

We recognised that NLP is a powerful tool to help yourself but in order to help other people transform, using a bunch of NLP techniques wouldn’t help unless you have the capability to accurately understand their life, ecosystem, family, business and health, in complete depth.

We also recognised that the most glaring gap in NLP practitioners is a total lack of wisdom of when and where to use these techniques and to know which personal transformations will save the person years of life.

So, we stopped teaching NLP in 6-days programs. And developed a 4 year Educational program called Become Installations Genius (BiG) wherein we would teach Predictive Intelligence ™ and develop deep systemic understanding of human behaviour in our practitioners before teaching them NLP.

And the results were unbelievable…

Harini & I created a technology of time compression, called Excellence Installations ™ to get thousands of people to Accelerate their success and Launch their Legacy in 3 years, instead of 20.


Scientific, Validated Breakthroughs


Relationships Transformed


Families Evolved

In fact, the word spread so fast that Forbes called Excellence Installations ™  a 'Trillion-dollar Industry’ and Government of India gave me the ‘Award of Honor’.

Here is why I am giving away my NLP Masterclass…

Before we started teaching NLP in 2011, the demand for NLP was dwindling year after year because of the dismal quality of practitioners. And when we actually started, you could visibly see a demand for NLP improve, as visible on Google Trends.

So we feel responsible for creating this need for NLP. And if we don’t impact quality NLP Education, then people curious to learn NLP will actually resort to the poor quality of NLP education out there.

So we decided to give away this NLP Masterclass - the highest quality of NLP Education available to you at the fraction of the price it would take to learn NLP anywhere else in the world!

If you want to learn NLP and become a master of personal transformation, this NLP Masterclass will get you the tools necessary to become the influential NLP Genius you dream of becoming.

People from all walks of life have learned the finest NLP that there is, from me:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Parents
  • Medical Doctors
  • Academicians
  • Counsellors
  • Life Coaches
  • Psychologists
  • Sales Personnel
  • Academicians
  • Mental Health Workers

And the list never ends...

And now I want to help you learn the secrets to program your neurology and that of others for excellence as well!

Sign up for NLP Masterclass Now…

I’d like to give you the secrets of the top NLP geniuses in this program, ASAP.

Like I mentioned before, this course sells for Rs. 1,00,000. And all you have to pay now is Rs. 2499 and with a click of a button, you could access the best NLP Education in the world at a fraction of the cost of any other NLP Education anywhere else in the world.

Inside of this Masterclass... Here are Few of the Secrets You will Discover!

Inside of NLP Masterclass, I will be sharing with you 30 Secrets to help you learn some of the secrets to rapid personal transformation.

Here is a sneak peak at what you will discover:

Section #1: Fundamentals of NLP

  • Secret #1: The right (and wrong) mindset to learn NLP.
  • Secret #1: The right (and wrong) mindset to learn NLP.
  • Secret #2: How I helped Phani Kumar recover from the medically impossible C5 paralysis condition and got him back to a full time job within 1 year
  • Secret #3: Calibration to notice micro-muscle movements (And how Milton Erickson got himself to recover himself from Polio twice and got back to walking)
  • Secret #4: Live demonstrations of breaking decades of limitations in minutes. (Yes, I work with 3 people at the same time and get all of them personal breakthroughs within 1 hour)
  • Secret #5: Unconscious Rapport - The magic wand that makes NLP procedures work (This is what majority of NLP practitioners get wrong and without this, no NLP Procedures will work.)
  • Secret #6: The Secret to building deep unconscious connection and trust with people that matter
  • Secret #7: Leverage unconscious rapport to negotiate and close amazing deals. And a powerful exercise to develop this capability!
  • Secret #8: How to pick up powerful genius states in seconds with Micro-muscle Mirroring
  • Secret #9: Pick up the skills of geniuses - new art forms, capabilities and states of mind to accelerate your learning by several years/ decades
  • Secret #10: Welcome to the World of Altered States - What extraordinary snipers, golfers, cricketers do so naturally that gets them to be geniuses. And 3 Powerful exercises to pick up amazing altered states of consciousness! (This is so much fun!!!!!)
  • Secret #11: Modeling Harini’s singing during a LIVE Singing performance. (We use the same process called Unconscious Assimilation in Genius in Action Program to get people to make a leap in their singing thats unheard of anywhere in the world. And within 7 days, participants evolve their singing to such an extent that wouldn’t have been possible even with 3 years of the best musical training out there!)

Section #2: NLP Procedures

  • Secret #12: The Alphabet Game: Learn to program your neurology for Peak performance on-demand whenever and wherever it matters most, automatically!
  • Secret #12: The Alphabet Game: Learn to program your neurology for Peak performance on-demand whenever and wherever it matters most, automatically!
  • Secret #13: Case Study: How we got A.R. Rahman’s Sunshine Orchestra students’ learning of music on steroids using the Alphabet Game (Yes, Harini & I got them to be performance-ready within 6 months when nothing could get them performance-ready for decades together)
  • Secret #14: The Collapse Anchor Pattern: The most powerful procedure for emotional mastery
  • Secret #15: Learn to break patterns of anger, frustration, irritation etc in minutes for yourself and others within 45 minutes
  • Secret #16: How to Develop the capability to shift states in milli-seconds. (Most people can’t do this and life becomes 10x more blissful and happier when you can!)
  • Secret #17: Reframing Procedure: This single procedure has helped us help people overcome decades-long insomnia, aches, pains, allergies within 1-2 sessions forever.
  • Secret #18: Deep Trance Work: Learn to establish a deeper communication with the unconscious mind (yours or somebody else’s) - the part of you responsible for your involuntary systems such as breathing, walking, digestion, heartbeat and so on. And leverage that communication to bring a permanent change in minutes!
  • Secret #19: The Fast Phobia Cure: This single procedure has helped us cure 3000+ phobias within 45 minutes each. (Btw, the briefest therapy developed in the history of humanity to overcome phobias takes at least 2 months.) 
  • Secret #20: FPC to overcome decades of baggages and bad memories within minutes, forever!

Section #3: Influence

  • Secret #21: Milton Model: Language patterns for powerful Unconscious Influence.
  • Secret #21: Milton Model: Language patterns for powerful Unconscious Influence.
  • Secret #22: Presuppositions: Influence the subconscoius of people, subtly yet powerfully
  • Secret #23: An exercise that can put your learning of language patterns and unconscious influence on steroids
  • Secret #24: Cause-Effect Language pattern for getting your way with people, so that they go out of their way to do for you what they wouldn’t usually do for others.
  • Secret #25: Mind-Read Pattern for ‘installing’ deep unconscious belief in people. (You can use this to make people believe in your vision, close deals and negotiate like an absolute pro)
  • Secret #26: Embedded Commands: Advanced tool of unconscious communication to get people to take actions on your ideas, as if its their own.
  • Secret #27: Magic Words pattern: Conversational Anchoring technique for Connecting instantly with people.
  • Secret #28: Power of Nominalisations and how it affects our unconscious mind - for better or for worse - and how you can use it to solve important problems for people.
  • Secret #29: Deep Connect Exercise for making people feel a deep connect with you in seconds, almost as if you understand them better than anyone else in the world.
  • Secret #30: Exercise to learn Magic words for amazing negotiation, influence, coaching, transformation or for closing great deals.

And now I want to help you learn the secrets to program your neurology and that of others for excellence as well!

Sign up for NLP Masterclass Now…

I’d like to rush you these rare footages of the best NLP Education that there is, to your inbox now.

Like I mentioned before, this course sells for Rs. 1,00,000. And all you have to pay now is Rs. 2,499 and with a click of a button, you could access the best NLP Education in the world at a fraction of the cost of any other NLP Education anywhere else in the world.

What are others already saying about Learning NLP from Antano & Harini

“I doubled my business and tripled my sales… with zero-stress and multi-fold productivity” -

Nanda Kishore

Click to play

“The way I ‘feel’ and ‘render’ the songs I record now… is a whole different level now.”- Rahul Nambiar

“Having dropped 3 sizes, starting my own business, at the age of 40 now, I’m happier, fitter and healthier than I’ve ever been.” - Deepika Chalasani

“I increased my business by 250% after uP!withNLP” - Vikas Agarwal

As You Can See...

Learning NLP from Antano & Harini has already helped countless people to change their life in every way possible…

The Question is, Are YOU Next?

Sign up for NLP Masterclass Now…

I’d like to give you the secrets of the top NLP geniuses in this program, ASAP.

Like I mentioned before, this course sells for Rs. 1,00,000. And all you have to pay now is Rs. 2499 and with a click of a button, you could access the best NLP Education in the world at a fraction of the cost of any other NLP Education anywhere else in the world.

Sign up for this Masterclass and 

Get These FREE Bonuses!

Bonus #1 - Solar Voice

"Secrets to Master Change Within" by Antano himself

Total Value: Rs. 9,997

Solar Voice Podcast ranked #3 in Apple iTunes, News and Noteworthy. It’s one of the best podcasts in the World to teach you about personal transformation.


This will teach you additional procedures and techniques that Antano & Harini innovated on the field while working with the top business leaders, celebrities, professionals and artists to evolve their personal excellence, enhance performance, accelerate their success and launch their legacies.

Get This for FREE while you Sign Up for the NLP Masterclass Today!

Bonus #2 - Multiply Your Impact Valuation

"How to Multiply the value that your prospective customers attach to you and Close the Deal like a Pro!"

Total Value: Rs. 4,997

What if you could instantly get your prospective clients to perceive you 5 times more valuable in a casual conversation? What if your value in their mind explosively grows to the point they NEVER-EVER want to stop coming to you?

But this shift won’t happen by you doing some sleazy technique on them. It will only happen when you recognise your own Impact Valuation and you recognise the loss of time & money your clients are going to incur if they don’t have you in their life. 

Right after going through this session, some participants have been able to increase their pricing 2 times, several working professionals have got a 25-50% raise instantly and many have been able to close life-changing deals like getting an investor to invest and even finding a life partner.

Get This for FREE while you Sign Up for the NLP Masterclass Today!

Bonus #3 - The Greatest Gap in the Industry of Change & NLP

"Knowing this gap, along with great Transformation skills, can get you to be of the top 1% of Changemakers in the World"

Total Value: Rs. 4,997

What the entire Self-help, Transformation and NLP industry doesn’t recognise about Personal evolution of human beings?

This is THE single greatest reason why even some of the best Change methodologies have not become commercially viable and reached the masses.

When we recognised this gap in our own methodologies, our business quadrupled and we were able to charge 5 times more for our services. This resource could do the same for you.

Get This for FREE while you Sign Up for the NLP Masterclass Today!

Like I mentioned before, this NLP Masterclass is given to you at a fraction of the cost of NLP Education anywhere else in the world. Go Ahead and reserve your copy for Rs. 2,499/- today.

But I don't know NLP...
(Or I have read a lot of bad stuff about it)

And that’s exactly WHY you need to buy the NLP Masterclass.

If you knew NLP well, you wouldn’t need this masterclass.

And yes, Google calls NLP a “pseudo-science”. Because there are so many NLP clowns calling themselves ‘NLP trainers’ and ‘NLP Practitioners’.

As a result, NLP has got a bad name.

But I am going to assume that if you are reading this page, you want to be an NLP Genius. Like Oprah Winfrey or Bill Gates.

And there is only only way to get there: to learn from NLP Geniuses themselves.

Don’t worry! I teach you the best of NLP: world-class NLP procedures.

But more importantly, the wisdom of where and when to use these procedures to get the outcomes you want in your life.

There is NO CATCH!

I know that there are some NLP Programs out there that offer you something for a price similar to this masterclass, but then stick you into some program that charges you every month.

This isn't one of them. 

There's NO hidden "continuity program" - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this... Well, there are actually a few reasons...

  • It's my way of saying thank you for being a dedicated subscriber

  • Because (unlike other “NLP Experts”), my business doesn't make money teaching others NLP. (I actually run 2-4 year Mentorship programs to get people to Accelerate their success, Launch their legacies and Build Superior Capabilities of World Leaders in compressed time and people pay us Rs. 4.75 lacs to Rs. 25 lacs for the same)... so because of that, it doesn’t hurt my business to share the best NLP Education in the world at the fraction of the price you will get elsewhere.
  • I give you the NLP Masterclass, and when you see how awesome it is and yet recognise that this is just the tip of the iceberg of the breakthroughs I can help you achieve, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
  • I’m sick of NLP Clowns giving terrible NLP Education (they even give you NLP Certifications), without any data and proof to back it up. I think majority of NLP programs are far from effective… so I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to publish the finest NLP Education in the world at a fraction of the cost.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here's why...

We've only planned to roll out to a few thousand people who are really interested in this Masterclass, and when they're gone... well, they're gone! 

If this page is still here, then the offer is live. But I reserve the right to pull it down at any time.

Here Is My "You've Gotta Be Crazy" Guarantee

100% guarantee that you'll love this NLP Masterclass, or I'll return your Rs.2,499/- 

That's right. Just email me or call the number on your receipt and I'll give you back your money with no question asked. 

Sound fair?

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When You Order 'NLP Masterclass' Today!

  • NLP Masterclass
  • NLP Masterclass
  • Solar Voice
  • Multiply Your Impact Valuation
  • The Greatest Gap in the Industry of Change & NLP

(Rs. 1,00,000)

(Rs. 9,997 Value)

(Rs. 4,997 Value)

(Rs. 4,997 Value)

Total Value: Rs. 1,19,991




This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Sign Up Now Before They're All Gone...

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy this NLP Masterclass!


Antano Solar John

P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the letter, here's the deal:

I'm mailing you my NLP Masterclass (that retails at Rs.1,00,000/-) for Rs.2499/-. Yes, this Masterclass is available right now, and all you pay is Rs.2,499/-

There's no catch... no gimmicks... You will NOT be signing up for any "trial" to some monthly program or anything like that. If fact, if you don't love the NLP Masterclass - I'll even refund your money. So, Click the button below to get your Sign up now. You won't regret it.

Buy my NLP Masterclass Now…

I’d like to give you the secrets of the top NLP geniuses in this program, ASAP.

This NLP Masterclass provides valuable strategies and tactics that I and others have vigorously tested and re-tested. My company, School of Excellence, which is referenced at times in the Masterclass, helps driven individuals to Accelerate their Success and Launch their Legacies.

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